1. 課程代號:215044
  2. 課程名稱(中文):字串學導引
    課程名稱(英文):Introduction to Stringology
  3. 授課教師:黃光璿 (HUANG, Guan-Shieng)
  4. 開授年級:研究生與大學部三年級以上同學
  5. 學分數:3
  6. 授課時數:3 小時    星期四下午 2:10~5:00
  7. 先修課程:演算法
  8. 課程目標:教授字串學之理論基礎
  9. 評量方式:
  10. 主要教科書:
    Jewels of Stringology by M. Crochemore and W. Rytter, World Scientific, 2002. (Local Regional Office)
  11. 重要參考書籍:
    Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences by Dan Gusfield, Cambridge University Press, 1997
  12. 課程綱要:
    1. Stringology
    2. Basic string searching algorithms
    3. Preprocessing for basic searchings
    4. On-line construction of suffix trees
    5. More on suffix trees
    6. Subword graphs
    7. Text algorithms related to sorting
    8. Symmetries and repetitions in texts
    9. Constant-space searchings
    10. Text compression techniques
    11. Automata-theoretic approach
    12. Approximate pattern matching
    13. Matching by duel and sampling
    14. Two-dimensional pattern matching
    15. Two-dimensional periodicities
    16. Parallel text algorithms
    17. Miscellaneous
  13. 教學進度:依同學實際接受情形調整