
1. 課程代號:資工所 210103
2. 課程名稱(中文):生物計算 (Computational Biology)
3. 授課教師:黃光璿 (HUANG, Guan-Shieng)
4. 開授年級:研究生與大學部三年級以上同學
5. 學分數:3
6. 授課時數:3 小時(1fgh, 星期一下午 2:10~5:00, 科三301)
7. 師生晤談時間及地點:科三館314,星期一下午兩點
8. 先修課程:機率、演算法
9. 課程目標:介紹生物計算的基本概念與相關演算法
10. 評量方式: 第一節上課時宣布
11. 主要教科書:
Computational Genome Analysis, by R. C. Deonier, S. Tavare, and M. S. waterman, Springer, 2005, ISBN: 9780387987859. (華通書坊, 03-5720317, 03-5738386, Fax: 03-5713383)
12. 重要參考書籍:
(1) Lecture notes by Prof. R. C. T. Lee, National Chi Nan University.
(2) Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology, by D. Gusfield, Cambridge, 1997, ISBN-13: 978-0521585194.
(3) Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics, by D. E. Krane and M. L. Raymer, Benjamin/Cummings, 2003, ISBN-13: 978-0805346336. (歐亞書局代理, 02-8912-1188)
(4) Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids, by R. Durbin, S. R. Eddy, A. Krogh, and G. Mitchison, ISBN-13:978-0521629713.
13. 課程綱要:
(1) Word Distributions and Occurrences
(2) Physical Mapping of DNA
(3) Genome Rearrangements
(4) Sequence Alignment
(5) Rapid Alignment Methods: FASTA and BLAST
(6) Similarity, Distance, and Clustering
(7) Inferring the Past: Phylogenetic Trees
(8) Genetic Variation in Populations
14. 教學進度:依課本進度逐頁講授,無課程投影片,歡迎對生物與統計分析有興趣的同學選修。